Vue Checkbox Readonly:Vue checkbox can be made readonly by disabling the input element using the disabled
attribute. When a checkbox is disabled, it cannot be edited or selected by the user, and its value will not be submitted with the form. Readonly, on the other hand, allows the user to see the current state of the checkbox but doesn’t allow them to edit or change its value. By using the disabled
attribute to make the checkbox readonly, we ensure that its value is not accidentally changed, and it maintains its current state until it’s explicitly changed by the programmer. This approach is a common way of achieving readonly functionality in checkboxes using Vue.
How can you make a Vue checkbox readonly?
This code creates a Vue app with a checkbox and a button. The checkbox is bound to a “isChecked” data property, and the “isReadOnly” property determines whether the checkbox is disabled or not. The button toggles the value of “isReadOnly”, which in turn disables or enables the checkbox. The label associated with the checkbox displays a message indicating that the checkbox is read-only
Vue Checkbox Readonly Exampe
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isChecked" :disabled="isReadOnly" />
This checkbox is read-only.
<br />
<button @click="isReadOnly = !isReadOnly">{{isReadOnly?'Make Editable':'Make Readonly'}}</button>
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
isChecked: true,
isReadOnly: true